It can be so difficult for me to not take things personally and refrain from emotionally engaging when someone – anyone, comes at me with anger, sarcasm, rudeness or the like.

Why? I believe most of it comes from the ego telling us: You are the most important thing in the universe.

One very important element to remember is this: Most of the time, it ain’t about you/me/us. It’s about whoever is casting the negativity towards us. But oh, easier said than done, not to strike back with our own fear, anger, resentment and more.

Instead, I’m striving to be in a place of Love and grace. Rising above the muck and blessing them “for they know not what they do.” To drop the ego and to not engage in their negative emotional mire their choosing to wallow in. But instead chose to Love.

Everyone is broken in some way and we are all looking to be seen, heard and understood.

Maybe we can listen instead.